My life of Music tell a story to you

Meet Charlie Chan
Charlie is an artist, fully experienced multi instrument musician, composer whom travelled across the world perform in venues, around university, street, bars, clubs, restaurants....etc in UK, HK, China. He is specialised in the piano, African drum and Handpan, his style of playing reflect his soul, his life of journey with his vision of giving out happiness to the world. Besides Music, painting, poetry is his side dish in which he believe through words, colours all these connect together can bring lots of creativity.



I love music, I love compose music, my first touch in piano since I was 8. I had developed the base sense of first getting into classical music. Having studied Music Theory with grade 5 qualifications and Piano distinction Grade 8, I had further developed my passion and interest to explore further in the world of music. It was a memory, I remember my first gig that I performed the piano, was at an open mic night at university in UK. I played Dream Wedding by Richard clayderman.
When I was at university in UK, I started pick up different instruments such as the African djembe, as well as handpan, as well getting into my other potential talents as dancer, writing poetry. Through years of years of practicing, learning, exploring, I had found myself in the deep love of music and Art. its about the connection of creativity, sharing of art, poetry, words, anything we are human we create, is an Art. Performing is sharing.

From starting to compose my own songs, to collaboration, I play my drums, my instrument, my music everywhere, from clubs, to bars, even possibly at the public transport as a pop up. It is about music, about the united as community we share the love to others, we inspire each others.

Dancing is an Art
Participation in Ballroom Performances/Gig in Essex, UK

Public transport Music

Street Parade

DJ gigs/Band

Meet my Talent